My Book Hoard

 I have loved books forever and can't resist buying them. I buy the majority of them second hand as it is far more cost effective and I am always delighted when I come across a book I have been wanting sitting almost pristine in a thrift store for a couple of dollars. My collection of books (some would call it a hoard) has been acquired over many years and I must admit that the lack of book shelving in our study means it is starting to feel out of hand and not giving me the same pleasure it once did.

I get quite attached to some titles and the covers of others often remind me of the time and place in my life when I read these books. This makes it hard for me to part with them but I know that for me to fit more books in my life I will have to clear some of them. My main issue at the moment however is my ramshackle storage of them and I really want this to change so I can get motivated to organise and sort them.

We plan to install built-in bookshelves along two walls of our study to make it feel like a library and I plan to sort and cull then to make room for more of course. I have been putting off organising this as I am indecisive about whether we want to get bespoke shelving made - which I know will be expensive and take a while to organise and get made - or whether I go with readymade book shelves from Ikea that are more cost effective and I can get on a build myself. My worry with the latter is that it would look cheaply done and it is not the look I am after. Its also about the height and size of the ready made shelving that will fit a corner that is putting me off making a decision... Its also about the fact that I will need to move this existing shelf covered in books so that I have a clear space to actually measure up for what we need...So many hurdles!

I have decided to try and start now by sorting through my piles and so have listed some for sale online. I hope this paring back may make some room for me to look at getting a joiner in to measure the space up and give me an idea of how expensive it might actually be and therefore help with my decision making around which shelving option to go with. Unfortunately I am also aware that selling some to make room will also provide me with some cash and an excuse to buy more books to fill the space. (Second hand of course!) I will need to be disciplined. Let's see how I manage to go!


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