Sorting Photos

 Today was a productive day spent in lockdown sorting out photos. They're everywhere! On my phone, my laptop, hard drives, memory sticks... And because I span the generation that has gone from negatives and photo printing through the development of digital cameras through to cameras on smart phones, that we have on us all the time ready to snap a picture, we have photos in all forms to sort out.

Today I focused on the photos on my phone as it was easy to sit and hold that as I lounged on the couch. I went through and deleted photos as my first priority so that when it comes to shifting them over to my laptop for proper sorting then there won't be quite as many to deal with! It got me thinking about how we must live in a time of the most documented part of history and the amount of captures in images must be phenomenal. Who is ever going to have the time to sit and look at the myriad of photos? Why do I feel so compelled to take so many photos?
Ultimately I do love the memories that are captured. I think back to when I was a child and there was no internet or digital photography or myriad of channels on tv. My family and my aunt and uncle and cousins would get together occasionally on a Saturday night for a meal and afterwards my uncle would set up the slide projector. We would all sit together in the dark - almost like being in a movie theatre at home - and go through the slides and laugh and reminisce and remember things from the past. It was one way us kids got to see what our parents were like before we came along and I hav very fond memories of those slide evenings.
Today however it was just me looking at the photos. I don't think i made much of a dent but hey - small steps. I just keep remembering that the way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time! Best of all it kept me entertained for no cost as I enjoyed reminiscing over old memories.


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