"New" Discoveries

 On the way south to our family party we have stopped overnight in the city near where I was born and lived for the first 10 years of my life. It was a place we would visit during the holidays mostly and for the occasional trip into the city to go shopping. We mostly went to see family, to visit the museum or art gallery or go to the movies so there wasn't much time spent exploring the place.

After moving away with my family when I was 10 I then returned to this city and lived there for a further 6 years while at university. Being poor students we didn't have a car so exploration was limited to where we could walk, and with time being spent studying and socialising and caught up in youthful egotism there wasn't much inclination to go and see what the city offered.

Over the many years since graduating university and moving away we have been back for many visits to see family and attend events or stop on our way further south. We have done a lot more exploring now we have a car and the curiosity to see what is out there. Even so I love that I can find new things that I've never seen before even when not actively seeking them out. Like this gorgeous old stone church that looks very Gothic and slightly scary. It was just quietly sitting on a side street amongst some commercial and residential properties and had obviously been there long before I ever arrived on the scene.

Discovering this magnificent old building reminded me of how I love travel for all the new experiences and things to see - even if it's to places I've visited over and over and even if it's still in my own country. It is a reminder to keep our minds and hearts open for possibility - we never know what we might find around that seemingly ordinary corner!
