Small Steps

Today wasn't really filled with any great excitement and I must say I didn't actively look for anything "new" amongst my existing things today but at the end of it I realised I had changed something in my surroundings that I had been looking at for a long time and the change itself was refreshing.

My eldest daughter likes to organise things. She is a bit like her mother but magnified even more so. Now I am not complaining about this as in the past she has been on a bit of an organising binge, tidying out my cupboards, putting things in containers and making them look ordered - something I appreciate as I like being able to find things and I dislike keeping things that are of no use to us any more. As part of that tidying I don't like to just throw things in the rubbish. I like to recycle, donate or sell things so they move on somewhere else and maybe give someone else some pleasure and reduce their desire to go and buy more new stuff!

Unfortunately as a result of my daughter's voracious organising and my determination not to just throw things away our study has become the room with piles everywhere on the floor. Because it is easy to just close the door on the room it is easy to make this the place to put things that get never get around to being sorted. I never wanted to have a room like this and yet here I find myself with one. Arrrgggh!! As a result the clutter in my mind feels worse and I can't see a way forward to start clearing this room - once a room becomes messy and overwhelming I find myself even more inclined to put off tidying it - hence the vicious cycle continues!

Today I decided to attack this room. I thought I would start small and managed to sort through my filing cabinet getting rid of paper I no longer need and filing away the large pile of papers on top that have been waiting for over a year. (Resolution made to file papers as I receive them this year!) What a difference that made and just seeing the clear top of the filing cabinet felt great. I have pulled out the pile of items we plan to resell so they can be listed for sale - admittedly these are now spread on the floor in the hallway - but at least that is progress and the study looks different already! Small steps but I feel motivated to continue and get the study tidy like the rest of the house. Long may it last!

"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, 
not on fighting the old, 
but on building the new."


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