A Pot Luck (of sorts)!

 I have been meaning to catch up with my sister all week as she has been on holiday but the days have got away on me and here we were at Friday!

I sent her a text at lunch time to see if she and her husband were going to be home this evening. They were so I suggested the idea of us going to her place for tea - nothing like inviting yourself!! I said we would bring what we were planning to make for tea at our place and we could all eat together and she thought that was a fine idea.

My daughter was booked to babysit so it was just myself, my husband and my son. I prepared our food before we went so it only needed assembling when we arrived. I cooked the meatballs before we left in our air-fryer which was a purchase after Christmas - still being experimented with but it worked beautifully! The meal was relatively low cost and tasty. The last time I made it was a year ago on my menu plan for the 3rd week of January. I think I might have to use again at some other time during the year as it really was delicious and minimal cooking time!

We enjoyed sitting outside in the late afternoon sun on my sister's very comfortable outdoor lounge suite, on what has been a gorgeous summer's day, talking and having a drink. It was such a nice way to end the day. Dinner was very casual and the men enjoyed watching a televised cricket match between past and present NZ cricketers and NZ rugby players while my sister and I talked and put the world to right. 

Now we could have just stayed home and had our meal here but with a little bit of effort (and some cheek on my part) we got to eat the same meal somewhere else, catch up with my sister and brother-in-law, feel like we had an evening out and not spend lots of money in the process! Well worth the effort I say!
