"Save Pounds on Your Family's Haircuts"

When I was growing up my mother always cut my father's and my brothers' hair. My sister and I had long hair until we were teenagers so didn't need haircuts and once we hit our teens then we went to hairdressers (although it was the 80's by then and my straight hair was not fashionable so my mum home permed it for me several times!)

My mother had a hairdressing kit that she bought during the 60's when she and dad were first married and it always fascinated me with the pictures on the top and the catch phrase "save pounds on your family's haircuts!" I was born after New Zealand switched from pounds and shillings to dollars and cents so it always seemed a slightly exotic thing to read whenever she got it out to cut my dad's hair.

When I was in my late teens my cousin and I took the opportunity to cut the hair of a boy she went to school with who we felt needed a more modern haircut - he was game to let us do it. It went really well and was quite fun to do. When I started dating my husband and we were poor students he was brave enough to let me cut his hair too and I got really good at it - he has thick and slightly wavy hair so it was easy to style.  Over the years he has been to various hairdressers but in recent years has been happy for me to cut it as I know what to do and it saves the hassle of making an appointment and going somewhere to get it cut. 

My 2 daughters have had long hair growing up and I have not had to cut their hair often but I do trim it and I have been known to cut the odd fringe when they were younger. In recent years my middle daughter wanted her long hair cut into a long bob and she was happy for me to do it. It came out really well and she was very pleased with it. She has also shaved her head for cancer nearly 3 years ago (a fundraising event she did with friends) and I had the job of cutting then shaving her hair off - something I found a bit stressful but admirably she was keen to do it and she looked stunning when it was done!

My son is the one who has had the most haircuts from me over the years. Some have been better than others depending on how still he sat for me. As he has got older, and the boys his age had started worrying about their hairstyles, I have taken  him to a hairdresser to have it styled. He has been several times and I must say it had made a nice change being able to sit and watch and let someone else do it. However the more recent cut he has had he wasn't happy with and wanted me to adjust it and I really felt my money was wasted, which I begrudge! He is coming due another haircut so I will be interested to see if he lets me near!

My hair is very straight and in a long style with a fringe. It grows quickly so I cut my own fringe several times a year to keep it tidy and get a hairdresser to trim the bottom a couple of times a year.  I also stopped colouring it about 4 years ago as I got tired of keeping up with the regrowth so I have made peace with my silver highlights and let them grow out and it is so much more liberating! I even had someone ask me recently where I got my hair coloured!!

Today my husband asked for a haircut and so I gave him one and he looked so much tidier. My daughter then asked for a hair trim also so my time spent probably saved us about $80 not counting the saving of the time and effort to go somewhere to do it. It is very satisfying and looking back over the years of all the haircuts I have done I have definitely "saved pounds on my family's haircuts"! How many of you have considered saving money in this way?
