Old Vistas Made New
These boat sheds in Christchurch are very old (by New Zealand standards) and they have graced the edges of the Avon River for over 130 years. I have walked past these many times rushing to and fro but have not really taken the time to stop and admire them.
As they are near the public hospital I been past several times in the last few days going in and out to see my husband. Today I decided to stop and really look at them in their stripiness. They are very cute and despite being old, and a bit wonky, they are often taken for granted. Many of us just know they are there without really seeing them or taking the time to appreciate how much character they actually have.
I remember thinking this many years ago when my husband and I were on a European holiday. We were in Rome near the Colosseum and I was watching the locals in there car and on buses or walking by and no-one was turning their head in amazement at the ancient structure in their midst. I couldn't believe they didn't feel the need to marvel at it every time they saw it! I understand why that is. When you live with something you begin to take it for granted that it will just be there to look at anytime you feel like it. The earthquakes in our city taught us you can't assume this will always be the case.
We need to take time to stop and notice the things around us more often - whether it be the old heritage buildings that tell stories of those who have gone before, nature and the majesty it shows us or the people around us who we hold dear who may not be there for ever as we naively assume... Take the time to really see these things before it is too late!
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