The Value of Leftovers

 I am feeling pleased with tonight's dinner made on a budget (which was necessary after the unplanned big spend on takeaways last night!). I had wondered what I might make for dinner during the day and came across a half used packet of filo pastry in the freezer. Now I never really used this in the past as it looked like it might be too fiddly to use but a couple of times it was called for in a recipe I'd found. After trying it I realised it is not that tricky to use - no pastry rolling needed for starters - and it always seems to make food look fancy.

I have also found that wrapping food in pastry seems to trick the kids into thinking whatever is inside is actually palatable so I decided it would be the perfect way to use up several things I had in the fridge - left over roast chicken from 2 nights ago, leftover veges from the Indian takeaway last night and a zucchini from the garden (of which we have a large number). I combined this with eggs and milk, garlic salt and herbs and it made a delicious pie with coleslaw on the side.

And best of all there was enough to make two pies so we can have leftover leftovers for lunch tomorrow! There's nothing like stretching the food budget as far as we can...
