A Walk in Nature

 We've finally managed to get a couple of nights away at our holiday home with the whole family. Precious time with all of the changes we have ahead. 

The weather was very hot today so it was the perfect time to head off for a walk in the forest in the shade of the trees alongside the stream.

The dappled light under the trees as so beautiful and calming. The deep greens and the earthy smells, the sounds of the water spilling along and the birds singing were all feasts for my senses and my soul. The water was cool on my feet on a hot day and seemed to cool the whole of me down as I stood in the shallow water watching the ripples of sunlight up a tree trunk as it reflected off the moving water. It was blissful and everyone seemed to enjoy just being for a short while.

This trip away is low cost for us - the petrol to get here was free on our rewards card and before we left home I "shopped" in our fridge, freezer and pantry at home for food to bring away with us. 

This is my happy place that I love coming to and it gives me so much pleasure when we can all enjoy it together. With nature like this only a 10 minute walk away from our place it is so worthwhile making to trip.


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