Relaxing Summer Days

 I caught this picture of my daughter reading her book in the hammock at our holiday home on a very warm summer day. This hammock was gifted to my husband a couple of years ago for us to have at this place and it fits beautifully between two of the large trees we have on the property. Everyone seems to use this hammock except my husband!

He doesn't know what he is missing!

Seeing my daughter lying in it looking totally relaxed and enjoying her book makes me feel so pleased and gives me a lovely sense of holiday and the beauty of summer days. The kids have all had a turn in it while we have been here. 

I managed to find some time to lie in it this morning and just enjoy the gentle swaying motion and looking up through the branches of the trees we are fortunate to have here. One of them is a large old oak three with black branches dressed with bright green leaves that stand out as the sunlight filters through them. I felt cocooned in the hammock and safe and it gave me a sense of peace. Simple pleasures!
