
If look at the second photo you'll see why our garage is driving me a bit crazy at present. When we built our house the garage was designed to hold two cars and we had big cupboards installed so all of the garage items could be stored away out of sight. After our daughter moved back home bringing furniture and flatting items the garage has become a dumping ground and it needs sorting! I am determined to get two cars parked back in here!

I started on the opposite side of the garage with the cupboards which hadn't been cleaned and sorted for a while. There were things in there we didn't need anymore with the kids growing up and the spiders had made themselves at home. I proceeded to pull everything out of each shelf and cleaned and dusted  de-spidered. I've cleared a whole lot of things to take to the recyclers, the resale store and to donate to charity so I feel a lot lighter already.

Still no room to park that second car and still heaps of sorting to do but this was a satisfying way to spend an afternoon and gives me impetus to get on and start clearing the rest of the stuff. Just seeing those tidy cupboards brings me joy! I'm easily pleased!
