Book Challenge 2022
Several years ago a friend introduced me to the Goodreads app. As a bibliophile and someone who has always loved lists and collecting this app was made for me - a way to keep a record of the books I have read in one place and with pictures and lists. It was right up my alley!
For the last 4 years I have been doing the Goodreads annual reading challenge as an incentive to keep my reading up and stop me being distracted by inane things. The first year I put up an ambitious 52 books - I could manage a book a week surely! I ended up reading 58 that year.
The following year I put up the same number and only managed 20 as my husband got sick during that year and I was somewhat distracted. The next year I decided to be more conservative and challenged myself to only 40 and I managed to reach that total ok so I did the same last year and ended up managing 53!
What number to give myself this year? I haven't chosen one yet and being halfway through January it is time I settled on a number. I think I will stick with 40 again so I don't feel under pressure (from myself of course) but there is just enough in that number to keep me motivated. I have a couple of books on the go at present and with no set challenge number I can already find myself distracted by other things. Putting that number in place will encourage me to make reading a daily habit. We'll see how it goes...
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