A Winter "Spring Clean"

My kitchen drains were in desperate need of a clean. We have a septic tank that relies on anaerobic bacteria to keep it working efficiently so I am fussy about what I put down the drain. No bleach or chemicals that would kill these bacteria so I avoid using any drain cleaning products other than baking soda and vinegar. 

It means that when they are due a clean I actually pull them apart and clean them out properly so the cupboard needs to be dismantled and I get to do a bit of basic plumbing. It is not the most fun job but it is satisfying to get it done and put things back together again - a bit like a puzzle each time I do it!

Once the drainpipes are cleaned and reassembled I clean and sort the cupboard and put it all back together.The sinks get cleaned with one of my favourite products - Bar Keepers Friend. It makes my 13 years sinks look fantastic!

I cleaned the cupoboard fronts, handles and toe kicks and for not much effort a small part of my kitchen looks and feels almost new. All for a bit of time and elbow grease. Tomorrow I will clean out my drawers and sort through them and the kitchen will feel fresh and new again for a while for cost!
