Free Entertainment

One of the challenges with holidays is limiting how much money you spend unnecessarily. This is usually because your purse strings get looser the more relaxed you are and it is easy to fritter money away without actually enhancing your holiday experience. 

Our time away this time isn't officially a holiday for us as we are here for medical treatments that occur every day of the working week for 2 weeks. This is something we are having to pay for privately so it is costing us a bit of money - we are using money we had saved a couple of years ago for an overseas trip but brain cancer and COVID put paid to that so we are only grateful we had the money sitting there. It does mean however we have already spent a lot of money on this trip so need to make the rest of it as cost effective as possible!

Being here for two weeks however has meant that we want to try and make it feel a bit like a holiday so plan to do some touristy things and get to know the city. It will hopefully give us good memories and take the focus of the medical reason for the trip. Today we visited the city art gallery which cost us nothing to do.

It is always interesting to go and see the exhibitions that have been collated for a short time. We have visited this gallery before on a previous trip and have seen their permanent collection so today we spent looking at a couple of temporary exhibitions. I was pleasantly surprised to enjoy some installations that I wouldn't have imagined I would like. There was some thought provoking ideas behind them and some things really took my fancy.

I came away from our time there feeling inspired to do something creative and arty - I'm not sure what - but I had this really strong sense that if these people can do it then why couldn't I? I will need to get thinking about what I might do...


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