Second Hand Bookshops
One of my most favourite things to do is reading and I can't resist buying books - I think it is an addiction I may need to seek treatment for one day... I aim to get books as cheaply as possible at thrift shops and second hand stores as I love so many different authors and genres and love trying new things to read. I am easily seduced by beautiful covers and dream of one day having a library in my house and I couldn't afford to have all of the books I want to own if I bought them new.
I really love it when i discover a good second hand bookshop and the ones where they are made to feel interesting and stylish draw me in even more. I have found several good shops like this while we have been away and I have been able to indulge my love of old books and just enjoy the quiet ambience of a good book shop. The one pictured is one I found on my shopping expedition yesterday and it was like a treasure. It is in an old house and the rooms are lined with books yet feel as if you could almost be n someone's private home. To be able to wander the rooms quietly gave me a sense of peace and anticipation at what I might find and fed the little spark deep inside me that one day I would love to own something similar.
Looking at the shelves I am drawn by the possibility of a discovery of a book that I might never have seen before but captures my imagination. I also have certain books that I am always on the lookout for so there is the thrill of the chase that a collector has and the feeling of delight when I spot something I am after can not be underestimated for the pleasure it gives me.
I bought a couple of books from this particular shop for not much money - having to travel home by plane with weight limits on my luggage does limit the number I can buy! I mostly enjoyed browsing and enjoying the surroundings that I was allowed to spend time in. A far more fulfilling shopping experience than being in a busy mall with impersonal décor and harsh lighting and unsmiling people. They need to know how much pleasure this type of store might give them - I just don't want to tell too many people so there are still books left for me!
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