The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Today's trip, after my husband had completed his treatment at an early morning appointment (645am!), we decided to take a ride over to the dormant volcanic island we had sat and looked at while we ate fish and chips the day before. The ferry ride was a bit more expensive today as it was longer and the island is reserve with limited access but we felt it was worth the money and as there is no where to spend money on this island it was still potentially frugal day for us.

We planned to walk to the top of the volcano to enjoy the views and we weren't disappointed. Especially as the rainy weather we had started out with magically disappeared just before we reached the summit and the clouds parted.

On the walk up there were lava caves that formed about 6 hundred years ago when the volcano last erupted (relatively recently in the course of things!) These form when the flowing lava cools around the edges forming a tube that the liquid lava keeps pouring through forming these tube-like caves.

I admit I was a bit nervous going in as I always feel (irrationally or not) that I could get stuck in a cave. Fortunately this one was more of a tunnel and seeing the light at the end of it gave me the courage to walk into it.

I realise now this metaphor is perfect for summing up how life is. Even when life is scary, and full of things you'd rather avoid, seeing some light at the end of that tunnel - no matter how small or what it is that makes that light - heading towards it will always feel the right thing to do!
