Frugal Friday
I had to go to the supermarket today to get some bits and pieces and it appeared to be rather mad! There were people everywhere and the carpark was the fullest I had seen it in a long time. When I got inside I realised why - it was Frugal Friday! There were lots of specials to be had so everyone was there spending up large and happy to be considered "frugal".
It got me thinking about this word and how it has gained an apparent negative connotation over the years. Many people equate it with being "stingy" or "tight" with money. It is made out as if frugal people are miserly and I feel saddened that this has happened.
The term frugal to me means careful with money and not wasteful in a number of ways and in this time when we are seeing the after effects of excessive consumerism and disposable items on the environment I think the term frugal needs to become more mainstream and take on a more positive slant. In a world when everyone is working harder and faster to make a dollar to improve their lot by being able to spend more on items that are not always necessary or good for them I feel that frugality would go a long way to improving many things.
First and foremost it would be better for the environment as it would reduce the amount of waste that is produced both in manufacturing and in the end of use of the products made. It would allow people to slow down and simplify life and might improve mental wellbeing. It would allow people to avoid having clutter in their homes and therefore in their minds and open the world up to allowing people the time and space to enjoy the beauty of the natural world.
I also think that along with this reduction in production and the inevitable loss of manufacturing jobs there needs to be a shift in thinking where people are paid for keeping the natural world healthy and happy. An example of this came about inadvertently after COVID hit the world. In New Zealand, where I live, people lost jobs due to the changing economy - particularly overseas tourism which is a big earner for many regions. The government put money towards helping with environmental projects and people were reemployed removing wilding pine trees which are not native and are seeding freely and competing with our native flora. To me this shows that if money is put in the right place it can be used to benefit the earth and humanity. If money can be generated through the preservation of the natural world and manufacturing processes be developed that are sustainable and useful it may reduce the harmful effects we are seeing.
So embrace frugality. Be proud of this lifestyle and show the world you are neither miserly or stingy - just thoughtful and careful and working towards a better world for everyone.
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