Look Up!

In this day and age of staring at screens we often forget to look up and see what is around us. Just think what we are missing!
While heading through the train station today I was admiring the way they have restored and revamped a beautiful old building juxtaposed next to the modern building holding the train terminus. I looked up and realised the ceiling had several beautiful stained glass skylights that were absolutely stunning.

 I fear I will sound old fashioned but I feel worried that these skills of craftsmanship will be lost if we don't appreciate them and consider making modern day pieces that hold just as much beauty. Just because something serves a function does not mean it can't be something that brings joy to look at.

In our hurried lives we forget to stop and admire the things we see everyday, and marvel at the skill taken to create them. It would have been easier and possibly less expensive to demolish this building and build something new but just think what would have been lost forever.

It was such a pleasure to see these crafted pieces restored and ready for future generations to enjoy - hopefully they'll remember to look up!!

P.S. Check out this great Youtube clip from several years ago that reminds us of what we are missing if we forget to look up...
