Find a Hobby
I am a big believer in the importance of having a hobby or three to create something in your life that is rewarding and enriching. I have had many hobbies over the years. Some I have stuck with and some have been passing phases. Some stop and start.
One of my stop start ones is the building of a miniature house. Ever since I was a little girl I have always had a fascination with all things miniature. I dearly wanted a dolls house but the closest I came to this was making my own house for my Daisy doll who I spent hours playing with. The cardboard box creation crept across my mother's lounge floor for weeks before I had to clear it away.
In a blog about reducing spending the idea of having a hobby of building a miniature house could seem like an oxymoron as it is not an inexpensive hobby. There is the opportunity to build many things yourself however I am not skilled or have the tools to build everything needed and there are some very clever miniaturists out there whose products I covet but they do not come cheap. My aim however is to do it as cost effectively as possible and as it is a big source of entertainment I figure that the spending can be justified.
Today I got an hour or so of entertainment cutting wallpapers I bought about 4 years ago that I have been nervous about cutting as I didn't want to muck it up. It actually went quite well as I had borrowed my mum's cutting board which made quick work of this. I spent some time coming up with colour combinations for possible paint colours to use and I had an enjoyable time doing this and dreaming of how my little house will look. This was all for no money spent today and I still have more to do so will get a few hours of entertainment for the money I spent 4 years ago.
What hobbies do you have that provide you with hours of entertainment?
P.S. Feel free to check out my little house on Instagram if you are interested.
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