Surfing the Library

Going to the library is one of my favourite things to do. When I was a child we did not have a lot of spare money and my mum used to take us places like the library, the museum and the art gallery as they cost nothing. To this day they are some of my favourite things to do. I can still remember the feeling of walking out of the library with a pile of books in my arms all for me. When I had finished with them all I could go back and get another pile!

I still have that feeling now. I love perusing the shelves and finding a book, or several, that i can take home just because I want to. It might be on a subject I am finding more about, it might be just because the cover caught my eye or it might be because I think the subject may be something I would find interesting. i might get them home and find they are not what I was expecting or I might find my next favourite book. Either way it doesn't matter as they didn't cost me anything and I can always take them back. I have been known to purchase books that I have initially found at the library then coveted so much I need to by my own copy.

Today my husband and I had a couple of hours to fill in while the car was being serviced so we walked into town to the library. I enjoyed just cruising around, finding books on food that I had been wanting to look at but also finding some other books that looked to be full of good advice and lovely pictures. I managed to walk out with a pile (which I did then have to carry back to the mechanics to pick up the car - what was I thinking?!).

I felt like I had a bit of "retail" therapy with some new things to take home but they were all for free! Now what could be better than that?
