Greeting Cards

 It's my son's birthday tomorrow so today I've done some birthday shopping for some presents - a bonus being the sports shop where I went for most things were having a sale! I stopped in at the supermarket on the way home and remembered I needed to get him a birthday card - I like to write the kids a special note each year on their birthday. 

Being a teenage boy I know it won't bother him what the card looks like but I like to choose cards with some design flair. I also tend to balk every time I see the price of many cards which are often the best part of $10 and can be sun a fleeting thing before they are mostly thrown out by people. I love the challenge of finding something i think looks stylish in the "value" section so only end up paying a couple of dollars per card over the years and I think I have managed to find some great cards in the process.

The card on the right had an appealing graphic and colours that I thought moved away from the typical boy cards. It was $6.50 however so I hunted for something I thought would look just as suitable. The card on the left was $2.00 and quite funky in design with the same colourway as the first. Both are just providing a place to write my message. I could ultimately save even more money by making my own cards however I don't have the time or inclination to do that at present and I'm not sure a teenage boy would really want a birthday card crafted by his mother - I'm sure he would notice that much!!
