Music to my Ears
With one car at the body shop getting damage fixed we are down to one car and that means lots of driving for me this week. I did a fair bit today so decided to listen to some old music I own and it was really good to listen to songs I have enjoyed in the past. Some of them I had forgotten about altogether so i had lots of "oh yeah" moments. It fascinates me how I remember the words to the songs when I haven't listened to them for so long.
I have grown up through all of the eras of music. When I was a kid it was records - LPs and 45's. My first ever LP was Wendy Craig reading Beatrix Potter stories. We also each had some 45 story books with a bell to let you know when to turn the page. My first ever real music 45 was given to me for Christmas by my brother when I was 11- Come On Eileen by the Dexys Midnight Runners. I still have it! And when I read the lyrics I realise it wasn't really appropriate for an 11 year old but then who could understand the lyrics anyway??
Cassette tapes were coming in around this time and I saved up and bought my first one - Xanadu by Olivia Newton John. I listened to it over and over but got rid of it later in my teens feeling embarrassed to have owned it. By then I had moved on to David Bowie and bought many of his albums in cassette form.
CD's came in when I was in my 20's and 30's so that was the main form of music that we owned and I must confess it still feels like I own the music when I have a hard copy. I do have Spotify now and listen to music on this however it doesn't feel the same as owning that CD - I"m not sure why.
I recall listening to a radio interview a while back with a researcher who had looked at the environmental cost of the different forms of music and found that the best was actually CD although it did require a person to listen to it 27 times to get that benefit. Digital music had a potential harm to the environment for all the energy generation it takes to run the internet. I thought that was interesting.
It makes my collection of CD's look even more appealing if they are good for the environment. I might have to rummage in them a bit more to see what else I can dig up!
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