Here Comes the Sun!

Every time I think that line, "Here comes the sun", I always sing it and find myself singing next "Doodle do do, here comes the sun, and I say, it's alright..." Are you singing now too?

We'e had several days of grey skies from the easterly cloud that blows in from the sea. It can be there in the morning then return in the evening with some fine weather in between but lately it just seems to want to hang around all day. It doesn't do anything practical like rain. It just makes everything feels grey and gloomy. I find it dreary and almost depressing.

Today it looked like it would burn off early so I went out and hung some washing on the line, just to have the cloud come in only an hour later and start raining. But this wasn't even a satisfying rain - the garden got nothing!. i think it just fell on my washing!

The grey clouds hung around all day but then this evening, just before sunset, the clouds parted and we got the last rays of the sun hitting the trees and making the trunks glow red. It lifted my spirits immensely and cost me nothing. It got me thinking about the value of sunlight and the way it makes me feel and I think that is immeasureable! I hope it's back tomorrow!


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