Sporting Events

Having children means we have been to numerous sporting events over the years including multiple football games and tournaments, basketball matches and dragon boating regattas. This does have a cost that goes with it and I know our children are fortunate enough that we can afford to pay for these events for them to attend however as part of that cost we as the parents get to have days of entertainment for that same cost. We get to socialise with other parents we are friends with and we get the sense of pride of watching our children participate and challenge themselves in their chosen fields of sport.

Today we had a regatta for dragon boating which our middle daughter took up this year to try something new and challenge herself. Our eldest daughter has done this while at school too so we are familiar with the process of the regatta. Today was no exception providing us with great entertainment with exciting races, photo finishes and a lovely social time with others. The girls came away with a bronze, a couple of silvers and a  gold medal with a national title in that event. Much excitement and all for the sum total of $80.00 for 6 weeks training, 3 regattas and a testing of stamina resulting in a huge sense of pride and teamwork. Great value I think!
Sports can be a potential source of expense with having children but I do think there are ways to allow you children to participate in things especially if these are offered through schools where the costs are often lower. I think the benefit kids gain from participating in sports a thousandfold to what you spend so if you can find the money to pay for them to do this - maybe by forgoing spending on other things that are maybe not as valuable long term I think it is well worth it!

(These novelty hats are worn by the drummer as a tradition for our school team and I thought they looked great hanging up in the marquee!)
