Drinking Games

This post should really be titled "Drinking and games" but it didn't have the same ring to it and because we are too old to be playing drinking games. We did spend the evening having a few drinks though and enjoying each others company and having some really belly laughs which are always good for the soul.

We pulled out my set of little crystal tumblers I bought for a few dollars and have at our holiday house to enjoy. We poured port and it was so lovely to sit an sip on it and enjoy the pretty glass. We played a game about marriage which was an interesting one to play after having a few drinks and with 3 couples who have known each other a long time. It was interesting to see some of the answers provided to the questions posed. 

It is not a way I have spent an evening in a long time but it was goo to let my hair down and relax among friends and to laugh properly - something we don't do often enough as adults. The alcohol helped lubricate the evening and not something to make a habit of  but it was fun and reminiscent of past times. And the playing of games just rounded the evening off in a place with no TV and Wifi - perfect!
