The Four Seasons
I find pleasure in different aspects of all of the seasons. Winter brings with it frosty landscapes, snow capped mountains, warm fires and cosy socks. Spring has fresh green growth poking hopefully up through the ground, milder temperatures and birdsong. Summer brings promise of holidays and long days with balmy evenings spent outdoors.
Autumn however is my outright favouritevwith all of the glorious colours of the trees. Even saying the word "Autumnal" is one of my favourite - it has such a mouth feel and timbre about the word. (I never could just call it Fall as they do in some parts of the world - it doesn't have that same ring to it...)
We have had a hot summer and the trees always seem to be particularly spectacular in their colours after this. We have quite a large number of trees around ours and our neighbouring properties that are deciduous and provide us with a range of colours. This photo is of one of our Liquid Ambers which we planted about 5 years ago. I actually took the time to get up close to it this evening and savour the colour and the leaf form and revel in its beauty. The setting sun made it glow and I really enjoyed taking some photos of it trying to capture the beauty as it is so transeint and in a few weeks will be gone for another year.
What do you think of Autumn? Do you ever take the time to just stop and look?
I read once that even if you live to be 100 you will only ever see daffodils 100 Springs. This goes for everything sesaonal and when you look at it like that it makes it even more important to stop and look and appreciate and savour. Do it today!
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