Get Crafty!

 When I was a teenager I enjoyed making things. I had learnt to embroider aged 12 at Girls Brigade. I learnt to knit aged 8 and enjoyed making jerseys at highschool and university. I sewed many of my own clothes as a teenager. I tried to learn to crochet however being left handed I couldn't follow along with the movements mum was making as she tried to teach me right handed. I learnt to tat instead as that seemed much simpler.

Now as a mature adult with an aim to crochet a miniature peggy square blanket for my miniature house I realised I would have to sit down and teach myself. I had enough desire to actually read the book I bought through the Lucky book club aged 10. I managed to understand it and made a big peggy square then a smaller one then one in miniature several months ago.
Life circumstance meant I hadn't got back to it in months so I had largely forgotten what I had learnt but my teenage daughter asking to learn to crochet meant I needed to brush up my skillls again. I must say there is nothing like having to teach someone something to make you consolidate information yourself!
It has come back much clearer this time and I decided I would stick with larger scale things for a bit longer before I go back and attempt the miniature scale squares. I have caught the bug and now want to make so many things. It has reignited the spark I had as a teenager of creating things with my hands. 
These granny squares are what I made in one day with some ends of wool I bought for $1.00 last week. I'm going to see how big I can make a blanket with op shop finds of wool. I'll let you know how I go!


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