Good Friday
With a 5 day break form school for the kids over the Easter weekend we have been able to come to our holiday house for a break away. We have met up with old friends who have hired a holiday house nearby and are looking forward to a weekend of socialising with them.
Today it rained a steady straight down rain and it was the perfect weather to make us all just stop and be still. It was so nice chilling out inside, talking and laughing, reading, eating hot cross buns and drinking cups of tea (later on glasses of gin and tonic..) The kids played some games and I even had time to sit and teach my daughter some beginning crochet stitches which I barely knew myself having only taught myself to crochet a few months back and not having done anything much since then. The day had a lovely cosy and warm feeling about it full of love.
Having the chance to be with my family and old friends is priceless and the day we had today made sure that this Friday really was Good!
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