Tea For One

 I usually like to have sets of things in my kitchen but earlier this year while thrift shopping with my daughter I spotted this lone mug in an op shop and I couldn't resist buying it for a couple of dollars - I love its pretty shaped handle. I could imaging enjoying a lovely cup of tea or a chai latte from it. My husband is not bothered what mug he has so I have squirrelled this one away with a couple of my other favourite mugs just for me to use and enjoy.

Tonight I decided to try out this pretty pomegranate tea my sister-in-law gave me when she was cleaning out some teas from her pantry that her brother had bought while staying with her. it is not something I would normally have chosen to buy as I have found things a bit hit and miss with some herbal teas however as it cost me nothing I was happy to try it and if I didn't lke it I could tip it out guilt free.

I enjoyed the aroma of the tea in the box and the prettiness of the dried leaves - very Autumnal colours. I got to enjoy using my infrequently used tea strainer again and while it was steeping in the hot water I realised my choice of a white mug was perfect as the tea was such a pretty red colour - if I had used my blue and pink floral cup the colours would have clashed!

The smell was divine and I really enjoyed the fruity taste. It made sitting and doing my taxes a much more pleasurable experieince with several senses stimulated - sight, smell and taste. My "new" cup and "new to me" tea made it a totally new experience for me and all for no cost! Perfect!


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