Spend Wisely

 After returning from our Easter break we were straight back in to the routine of everyday life. I had to take my son to football training so I had the opportunity to sit in the car and read while I waited for him (I have come to look forward to this quiet uninterrupted time to myself for a while 90 minutes!)

Today I was reading one of my favourite magazines and I found this article on spending wisely which I thought was very timely in my journey to save money while living the full life I want to live. I thought there was great advice in the points made and found that a number of things listed are things I am already doing but there are others I can try out as well. 

Saving some cash and helping the environment at the same times sounds like a great idea and opens the opportunity to try new things and possibly meet new people or head down a different path in life.

What things on this list can you try that you are not doing down that make make a difference to your life, your bank balance and the environment?
