Winter Warmth

 I have been watching my kids play football/soccer for 13 years now so the Saturday morning routine in Winter involves being warm and dry to stand on the sidelines. Preseason games have begun this year and after a spell of lovely weather this morning dawmed with a cold southerly wind and rain.

Over the last few years I have worn gumboots to keep my feet dry, and in more recent years a pair of snow type boots that I bought cheaply but never really liked that much so last year i felt it was time to upgrade to a pair of boots that I actually liked that would also do the job I wanted - warm and dry.

I found this pair for a surprisingly good price - under $80.00. I didn't manage to buy them until the end of last winter so I only wore them half a dozen times before it was time to put them away for storage over the summer meaning I had forgotten about them. It was with great delight as I was getting ready this morning that I remembered I had these. I slipped them on with pleasure - they are soft inside and fit really well - almost like wearing boot slippers. They kept my feet warm and dry the whole morning and I liked that they are in a colour I much prefer - my last ones were a dark pink - not something I usually choose for footwear! I think the style of them is neutral enough I will happily wear these for several years - as long as my youngest is still playing football...

Wearing these today after a long spell was like having a brand new pair of boots all over again and I only had to "shop" my garage to get them - no cost to me at all! A bargain!
