A Pantry Shop

 Before i went grocery shopping today I thought it would be a good idea to check out what dry goods I actually had in my pantry before I left. I have a pantry cupboard in my kitchen and another cupboard near the kitchen that has overflow items in store. I am terrible at checking it properly to see what it actually contains. I always think I have a fair idea what is in my cupboards but alas no!

I pulled everything out of my store and found I had multiples of a number of items with several of them having more than one packet open. Some of the items I found were things I'd even forgotten I had bought! his is spent money just sitting in my cupboards going to waste if I let them sit there long enough. 

I have thought about this over recent years as the trend has developed for people to build a walk in butler style pantry in their ever increasingly larger kitchens. If the recommendation is for us to eat unprocessed fresh food then we don't need this much space for food storage unless we are preparing for doomsday! Ideally all we need is a refrigerator and a freezer, a small pantry and a vegetable garden and to have a regular turnover of fresh food.

Dry goods are necessary as are tinned goods so there does need to be storage space for these but i don't think my cupboard needs as many dry goods as I currently have!! It's time to get the recipe books out and plan some meals around the food we have already spent money on!


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