Mother Nature

In difficult times it can be challenging to get joy from or find the beauty in things when your mind is stuck on negative things. The thing, however, that never fails to surprise and delight me is the beauty of Mother Nature.

This was the amazing sunset my son and I enjoyed this evening as I took him to football training (he took the photo for me as I was driving). Isn't it stunning? No filter needed on that photo!

Having been brought up in a Christian household and attending church as a child I found that as I moved into my adult years I began to question the validity of the things I had been told. I still had a sense of loyalty to some of the traditions I had experienced and my husband and I got married with a full church service and we have had all of our children christened. This was mainly to start them on their own spiritual journey - whatever that may be - and christening them was the only way we were familiar with to do this.

My sense of any belief in the Christian story has long since gone - initially I would have said I was agnostic but after what has happened to my husband - a man who is good and kind and giving working in a community minded role giving back to others - I would have to say I am no longer have a shred of belief in a God. I do however believe there is an energy that is greater than us mere mortals and this energy is expressed in so many ways. I believe that when people talk of God (or any other higher being depending on the religion) this is what they are actually experiencing - I just don't agree with the story that Christianity puts with it.

To me that higher energy is expressed in Mother Nature by the Universe. To me Mother Nature is just quietly reminding us that she is there going about her business while we lead our challenging lives. She is there reminding us to stop and appreciate what is right in front of us. I get so much joy in her beauty and it is the thing that comforts me in difficult times. Keep that beauty coming!


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