Lady and the Lamp

We have two lamps at either end of the hall which have touch bases to turn them on and off. The one that we use most up by the bedrooms stopped working at the touch base months ago and, finally, after getting sick of turning it off and on at the wall, and only having one light level instead of three, I decided it was time to buy a replacement one.

To my delight, when I went in to ask about getting another one, the young woman in the lighting shop said they could fix my old one for no charge as I bought it from them several years ago and they still sell that model. What shop does that anymore?!! It would save me $80.00 and be good for the environment. I took it in and was eagerly awaiting their phone call.

 I was excited to pick it up today and drove home feeling pleased 9and maybe a bit smug) to have saved some money and the earth. I stopped at the letterbox to collect the mail and as I put on the brakes the lamp fell forward and I heard a sickening crack...
I was devastated! So much for saving the earth and my wallet!! It looks like I'll be buying a new lamp after all! At least I can say I tried and in the meantime we have a working lamp in the hallway again - even if it does look a little worse for wear...
