Restoration Beauty

 After teh devstating earhtquakes in our region just over 10 years ago  it is so good to come across old buildings that were damaged and, rather than being knocked down, they have been restored.

There has been a lot of discussion and controversy over some buildings. Many were knocked down early on and people complained that things were rushed. I do wonder if they had an understanding of the risk these buildings posed and the potential cost it would have taken to repair them. I am saddened to lose a historical buildiing however I know that sometimes it is the only option. 
On the other hand some things have sat for many years as decisions have been slow to come regarding restoration, Sometimes it just comes down to having enough money - and then you get people complaining that it is taking to long! You can never please everyone!
My daughter and I came across this church that was derelict for a long time following the earthquakes while funds were being raised to pay for its repair. I don't drive past it often so it was a delight to drive by and see that it is restored and looking magnificent again. 
I think that patience was worth it and something old and beautiful has been made new again and provides something for us to enjoy as we go about our daily lives. Although I have not put any money towards this restoration myself I will make sure that I wring as much pleasure out of seeing this building whenever I go past to make any money spent on it by others well worth it. 
Notice the things around you more, especially things that have been there a long time and you now take for granted. They could be gone in an instant and may cost too much to restore!
