Insta Entertainment

I had a busy day today sorting laundry after our days away and spending some much needed time in the garden. It was satisfying but tiring. After having dinner and tidying up I crashed on the couch in front of the fire with a glass of red wine and decided I had the time and inclination to tidy up my Instagram pages and culling some of the accounts I follow on my other Instagram pages.

It was quite relaxing and not something I would usually spend an extended time doing but it was very satisfying. I got to catch up on some posts, enjoy some images that I took that brought back memories and deleted some images I no longer wanted. It felt like a declutter and things felt clearer to me which was great. It provided me with some mindless but productive entertainment and I feel a bit lighter and on top of things. And best of all it cost me nothing yet gave me something practical to do instead of just watching mindless tv on a Sunday night. Win-win!!
