Free Flowers
I had to go an buy groceries for my mum today as she hasn't been out of her house for nearly 2 weeks with lockdown. Being 80 I prefer that she keeps away from others to avoid risk catching COVID and I am only happy to help her out as it gave a good excuse to visit her - physically distanced of course!
I dropped the groceries to her at her front door then we caught up in her garden from afar. I was lucky to be able to pick a selection of beautiful flowers while there - she has a large number of different winter roses (hellebores) that are all flowering at present and I was able to bring a bag full home to enjoy.
I then spent the afternoon photographing them with things to sell for my side hustle - revelling in the colours and forms as I see them up close in a photograph. After completing that I then got to enjoy putting them in water and arranging them in various ways around the house to enjoy their beauty.
I am so blessed to have such a green-fingered mum who loves plants and flowers as much as I do. Having this selection of beauties gave me something new in our house to look at at a time when things are feeling a bit groundhog. Every time I see them I smile and think of my mum and the bounty of nature and the transience of things - including time spent in lockdown...
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