Lockdown Part 2
I am aware that many people have been living with lockdowns for months in other parts of the world but here in NZ we have been fortunate enough to be relatively COVID free since our initial 6 week lockdown back in 2020 and then subsequent control of our borders.
Today while sitting waiting for my son at football training I got to hear the Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, announce that we have to go back into a level 4 lockdown again after a man has tested positive for COVID in the community. They are not not sure of where he got it from or if it is the Delta variant which is so readily transmissible and we have not had here in the community before. The announcement felt quite sombre and it made me imagine what it must have felt like listening to Churchill announcing England was at war all those years ago. It was very solemn.
Now I know that a COVID lockdown is nowhere near as devastating as going to war but it can be a stressful time for many people. This announcement at what seems like such short notice confirms that life can easily turn on a dime but I must confess I am already looking forward to not having to be up early getting kids off to school and much less money spent as we won't be able to go out. Just the money saved in petrol costs will be great - last year we saved around $1000 in petrol alone due to less driving and just using our electric car.
At times like these it is important to see the silver lining and remember that far worse has beset people in days gone by....
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