Meeting the Local Wildlife

 Living in a rural location means that walks in the local district can lead to some interesting animals to see along the way. It makes for entertainment and variation as you never know what you might see.

My daughter and I went for a walk today while waiting for my son at football training. On this particular walk we went down roads we had never been down and although we saw the usual cows and sheep we came across these 3 who looked a bit more interesting. We stood and watched them as they watched us and debated about whether they are llama or alpacas but couldn't remember how you distinguished between the two. We remained wary in case they were aggressive - they looked back at us curiously but did not appear friendly or come to the fence to sniff our hands. 
Coming across something different on our walk made us feel a bit like our walking doubled as a wildlife visit to a local petting zoo - minus the petting of course! Some variation in the day and all for nothing except choosing to take a different route to walk.
What new things could you see on a walk if you chose to take a different path?


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