All Gloved Up

 This morning dawned clear eith a heavy frost but the promise of a beautiful sunny day. I had to be up early for a Sunday morning as I had to take my son to have team ohots taken for footy so I rugged up well and I planned to sit in the car and read my book while they were having the photos done.

I found these red merino fingerless mittens in my cupboard that I bought several years ago while on holiday because they were half price and I thought they might be handy. I confess I've never worn them so pulling them out and putting them on today they felt like a new item to me. They're actually really warm, soft and comfortable and the colour of them fits perfectly with the autumn colours around at present.

They helped keep me toasty as I sat in the car with a magazine and a warm cup of tea with a wool rug over my knees to keep warm while I waited. I found having my wrists warm and no draughts up my sleeves made a bif difference even though my fingers where still uncovered.
I'm so pleased to have found them this morning and that I am finally using them. I think I will leave them in the pocket of this jacket so whenever I wear it they I will find them in there and put them on to enjoy all over again.
