The Budget Blues

I have spent much of today sorting out our budget, looking at spending, paying bills and planning. This is not much fun(hence the lack of a photo so I've chosen one from my gallery I took months ago that I thought might lift my mood!).

 We have had a budget for the last 30 years since we were cash strapped students and it has been the most effective way to manage our money - we have paid off our student loans early, paid off the mortgage on our first home in 9 years (it was intially taken out over 25 years), nearly paid off the mortgage on our current home, had a couple of overseas holidays and raised 3 children while developing our property. We also bought a holiday home in recent years so we feel we have managed our money well. We have had the benefit of good incomes but I have only worked part time since having the kids - being stay at home for much of their early years - so it has taken good money management.

Usually doing the budget I find gives me a sense of achievement. Today however I just feel like we are going backwards. I know we're not but our income has taken a hit with us both being off work with my husband's illness. We are fortunate that we have both got income protection insurance that means we are still being paid but it is never the amount you actually used to earn so we have to reign in our spending. We know we are still comfortable so I shouldn't complain but it does mean that we have to find ways to reduce any frivolous or unnecessary spending so we can still cover the costs we have ongoing.

I know we will be fine but it has left me feeling a bit flat today. I need to change my thinking back around around see the challenge we have to manage our money as best we can to feel we are not having to sacrifice our lifestyle. This is the point of my blog - to remind myself that we can find the joy in life and the beauty in things by looking around us. We have had lots of practie so we can continue to work on cutting the cloth to fit the cap and I know we will be ok.
