How to Eat an Elephant

 "One bite at a time"

I've thought about this quote a lot over the last couple of days as we've attacked the living room. it can feel like such an overwhelming task that you don't know where to start so you just put off starting at all. Many things in life can be like that and they become much bigger than they actually are just by the fact that they take up so much energy thinking about how you should get them done.

Yesterday we moved as much out of the room and spent it going up and down the ladder sanding the primer - a job I particularly dislike. Today I've cleaned - the sanding dust, fly dirt off the ceiling, the windows (which have been ignored for months but were at a point I could no longer stand them hence the impetus to get the messy sanding out of the way). 

It feels like a mammoth (?elephant) task but we are getting there and I am pleased with our progress so far. This helps to keep me motivated. Small steps each day add up to a big job being completed and a bit more space in my head as I have less things on my to do list.

I think this quote about eating an elephant one bite at a time can be a good reminder for many things that feel insurmountable - debt, mortgages, studying towards something to start or further your career, saving for a trip. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by these and avoid starting to do any and never making any progress. If you take the first bite and keep nibbling you will get there and as times passes you will be able to look back at the progress you have made and eventually that elephant may be completely devoured!


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