Cash Converter

 I am very sad to say good-bye to this lovely old piece of oak furniture that we acquired for nothing over 30 yers ago when we were cash strappe students. It has been with us all of our married life and used by us and our daughters for storage but now it is surplus to requirments and taking up space in our house. We got a lot of use out of it for no cost other than some time spent refurbishing it many years ago and replacing one broken handle.

Now it is off to a new home and our garage is a little bit emptier. Our bank account is a little bit fuller so we are pleased all round. That is one bonus the internet has definitely provided is the ability to list items that you don't want or no longer need on trading sites so that someone else can have the benefit of them and you can generate some cash to use for other things. The money from this item was a bonus as we paid nothing for it at the beginning, used it well, and had someone pay us for the privilege of taking it away. I am putting this aside in my special savings account with money earned from my side hustle for a new project I am planning which i can reveal once things are a bit more concrete.

Now what can I sell next?...
