Easy Enchiladas

I always enjoy the challenge of making food for a good price and like to think we generally eat healthily. The biggest challenge is feeding a tribe of teenagers. They seem to get fussier as they get older which is most frustrating - although there is light at the end of the tunnel as my 19 year old seems to be eating things without complain that once she would have scorned.             


Tonights tea was a pleasure to make as I know they always like enchiladas and i knew they would eat it without complaint despite all of the vegetables I packed into it. I enjoyed the process  of putting it together. It was so colourful in the pan and I managed to use up some things in the fridge.

Its a great way to use the zucchini which we have had an abundance of this season and which the kids always seem to complain about but when it is grated and cooked into the meal they can't see it! I also chopped in tomatoes from my mum's garden that we'd had a few days and needed to be cooked up.

Once the sauce was cooked I put a ladleful in wrap and topped with fresh spinach. After rolling them up I grated cheese over the top - the melted cheese always transforms a dish and makes it even tastier!
After baking them in the oven at 180C for about 20 minutes until golden they were ready to eat.

Best of all I fed four of us for around $10.00 - there was about 100g of mince in this but mainly all vegetables. Everyone wolfed them down and as my husband wasn't home for tea there was some leftover for someone to have for lunch tomorrow. Nothing beats home cooking for saving money!!


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